Thursday, August 7, 2008

So much to do...and just doing none of it

I leave for Europe in less then a month, holy shit! I have not packed a single box, found storage for my stuff, or even figured out which countries I am going to visit. Screwed? Maybe a little. On the bright side, we have been highly intoxicated throughout the city since my birthday, which has been nice.

Tim and I sibling bonded it up at Lolla last weekend. We both just went Sunday and saw Kanye West, Flogging Molly, Girl Talk and Gnarls Barkley. Flogging Molly was my favorite show-- it helped that I had my very tall rugby player friend to protect me from people since I don't masses of people. Tim was no help in that respect during Kanye. For someone who doesn't like crowds, being hot or live music-- I would say it was a great time but I will never do it again. Getting home was tricky but quick enough. It was my 1am mission for fast food that got stresful since the drunk Cubs fans were ruining any chances of getting in and out of Taco Bell or McDonalds on Addison Ave. in less then an hour.
Tim and I are cruising back to Minnesota tomorrow after we both get out of work for Dougherty Day and Dan's wedding. We will be back on the 16th -- and then I have to get my ass in gear backing up my apartment and getting ready for my trip (starting with where).

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