Monday, July 21, 2008

Back in the saddle...

This started as an assignment for a writing in the new media class I had my senior year of college and I have decided to continue on as I venture through the last few weeks of summer in Chicago before heading out on my big adventure to Europe the first week in the fall. I can ultimately sum up my time since graduation with a lot of time doing lot of heavy, deep breathing.
#1: Four term papers, three finals. Solution = lots of coffee, Pita Pit and beer.

#2: Wallet stolen, again. This situation, while I still feel as a stressful and disheartening, has been renamed by relatives as the "wallet incident" since I was to put it nicely-- wasted. Long story short it was the night before graduation, Katie and Lauren's front door was wide open, I was drinking jungle juice with a straw...which resulted in my mother picking my wallet up at the police station in the morning missing the $80 I had grabbed from the ATM on the way to the party and one (still) missing flip flop.

#3: Computer crashing. This was when the majority of the heavy breathing came into play as I was told by a nice man that most likely my mother board had crashed. After some stomping around the apartment, many phone calls to Atlanta, Georgia tech support, my computer got banned to North Carolina for two weeks. It would have been one, but DHL was too busy celebrating America's birthday on the 4th to get back to work until late the next week.

#4: Spano moved back to Kansas. For all the right reasons, baby girl, but I am going to miss you.
So, needless to say, its been an exciting month. I am now a college graduate with way too many options. I would prefer less options. So far the running is: Minneapolis to move home, Chicago to stay here, D.C. to work for Close Up, San Fransisco just because, Korea to teach English, South America to learn Spanish, out west to ski and be in a place where the men vastly outnumber the women, Peace Corp if I can get in... I'm sure more will come up. Anyone with worldly advice who would like to share?
At least I can say with conviction, we are having a fabulous time this summer.

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