Sunday, September 16, 2007


I liked this reading on genre since it relates to a lot of things we do in life: movie stores, book stores, neighborhoods even. I did a research paper when I was a freshmen about how the brain needs to stereotype people in order to remember them. Essential things such as Rachel has red-hair, she is white, she is short, she is a college student. In this context, stereotyping didn't have necessarily have the negative associations of the word, but showed not only how the given negative and neutral stereotypes helped our brain function. With that, genres do essentially the same things. Each thing whether is be a movie title, book section at Barnes and Nobles, where someone lives, how someone dresses brings to mind certain genre-esk ideas about the object or person.
I also thought the differences between "bed" and "rack" were interesting. I play rugby and we also have different terminology for many things. Our cleats are boots, athletic bags are kits, the field is a pitch. While all of those things mean the same thing essentially they conjure up different meanings. If someone on the street used those words to me, I would assume they were a rugby player. Not only is rugby a sport but a lifestyle and do compete with that lifestyle you not only have to know the rules of the game and the lingo but the tradition and networking behind the sport.
While these ideas I find interesting on a personal level, I also think it will relate well to the creative aspect of my final assignment. We'll be working on creative writing and the Internet which I feel takes on a much different tone from normal hard copy assignments. Its as if there is more of a conversational aspect to it. For the groupies-- keep in mind our final assignment still hasn't been fully outline so I am kind of shooting in the dark I would loosely do this: basic creative writing (such as short stories that are uploaded online out of hard text), personal creative writing (such as blogging or personal websites) or professional creative writing (professional blogs, creative pieces for online websites, "about us" sections etc). Like I said, not entirely sure but that is my guess. I'm sure many more ideas will come up shortly. I think the basic structures of the pieces will depend on the formality or informality of the assignment, website and topic.

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